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Intellica joined the Vinnytsia IT Association

Vladimir Liulka

August 20, 2019

On August 15, Intellica joined the Vinnytsia IT Association.
Intellica has done research into the value of such organizations, based on the experience of the Vinnytsia IT-Association and has found such benefits:

  • Exchange of experience. The IT Association facilitates access to international conferences, seminars and helps organize local events.
  • Research. Involving international foundations, IT communities conduct serious marketing research, the results of which are accessible to specialists and can enhance their competitive advantages in the market.
  • International relations. Participants of IT communities have the opportunity not only to expand their international contacts but also to find investors, partners, enter new markets by participating in international programs.
  • Legal support and protection of community members. In case of an emergency situation or the need for qualified legal assistance, each participating company can obtain it as quickly as possible.
  • Continuous interaction of representatives of IT-companies and local authorities with the purpose of the development of the business environment in the city.